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Here is a list of the courses I taught at the University of Lethbridge:
Spring 2024, Math 1410-Elementary Linear Algebra
Fall 2023, Math 3400-Group and Ring Theory
Fall 2022 and Spring 2023, Math 1560-Calculus I
Here is a list of the courses I taught at at the University of Georgia:
Summer 2020, Math 2250E-Online Calculus I
Spring 2020, Math 2250-Calculus I
Fall 2019, Math 1113-PreCalculus
Spring 2019, WIP (Writing Intensive Program) TA for Math 3200-Introduction to Higher Mathematics
Fall 2018, Math 1113-PreCalculus
Spring 2018, Math 2250-Calculus I
Fall 2017, Math 2250-Calculus I.
Spring 2017, Math 2250-Calculus I
Fall 2016, Math 1113-PreCalculus
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